Monday, December 03, 2012

Had good day yesterday finishing off some of the more distant sites to visit. Walked out to the last remaining part of the old Roman aqueduct. Then went back to the spice bazaar and got a few photos to replace the ones I lost when my camera was stolen.

I then mistakenly tried to go via the palace cutting through the Grand Bazaar. It happens to be closed on Sunday and it took me ages to find my way around it. By the time I got to the palace it was a bit late to go in as some of the main things you want to see close earlier and I would not have made it in there in time. So my mission today is to go and I have ticked off all the things I want to see.

Last night I caught up with an old English friend who I met back home. It was really good to catch up with him. I am going out for dinner with him and his girlfriend tonight, since she is Turkish we are also going to try and get the police report done, but will only bother if they will do it straight away as I don't want them to have to wait around for ages.

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