Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Did not start too early today, I am finally getting a long sleep rather than the four or five hours I have been living on. It is a public holiday today which turn out to be a good thing for a tourist, turns out all the entry frees were waived. I caught a tram to the castle and then walked up the hill, I could have taken the easy way, but walking is such a better way to see the view. Made it up top just in time to see the changing of guards, they put on a pretty impressive show. I then walked around the castle and got free access to the Art Gallery and the Museum. Being a public holiday to celebrate the revolution it appears it is the national day of protest. There was a large group protesting at the bottom of the castle against the government, pretty much about how they are running the country (I got this information from a local). I walked down the hill and followed the masses across the bridge and into the city. We then parted ways and I then ran into another group of protesters, I did not need to be told by anyone what these guys are were talking about, you could just tell by how they were dressed. Once I got back to hostel they confirmed that they were fascists\Nationalist and apparently stir up a lot of trouble. I then went through a walk through the street and found some food and a great bar called zsimplakert.

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