Thursday, November 22, 2012

Yesterday I had good walk around Sarajevo wondering the heavily Otterman influenced old town. Went to the spot that trigger world war I when the Austrian duke was murdered trigger a flow on affect that create the war.

In the afternoon I went on the tunnel of life tour that was a tunnel from outside the city to in which kept the town alive through the serbian blockade of the city. The history of the 90's war is so complicated where at different point different groups were fighting.

Spent the day today on a train to Belgrade, left at 11:49 and did not get in until 8:00pm. It is the only train for the day so there was no other option. I have now settled in for the night and just relaxing at the hostel for the night. Getting a load of washing done and preparing for another history lesson from the other side (though I know these guys were the aggressors of the war).

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